Five Things to Consider When Working With an Agency

Are you thinking about working with an agency? There are a few essential tips we can offer to ensure you start off on the right track, from marketing assessments to technology audits. Business Development Lead Michael Christian brings up the top five things that you should consider before doing so.
Video Transcript:
Hi, this is Michael Christian, Business Development Lead at Stratagon. So you’re thinking about working with an agency? Here are the top five things to consider before doing so.
1: Set Goals.
What are you aiming for? What would you and your company deem a success at the end of an engagement? It can be revenue growth, number of new clients, dollar amount over last year, or expanding growth with existing customers. It is very important to set expectations and determine effort with your agency to collaborate on predetermined goals.
2: Take a Current Marketing Assessment.
Review what your company has already done, audit what has worked and what has not. Now, it doesn't mean start 100% over. Take what has worked well and reallocate resources from those campaigns and turn what didn't work or what can be measured and turn it into something new. Your agency would appreciate knowing what routes you have already taken so they can save time and effort and move towards new techniques
3: Conduct a Technology Audit.
Do you currently have a CRM? Have you used various marketing tools to analyze your web traffic or any email marketing tools? Knowing what you have already invested in will give the agency a chance to avoid redundancy or see if there are any gaps in the approach.
You know what? You may be on the right track but just need some assistance in optimizing the tools that you already have!
4: Create a Budget.
Knowing what resources you have and are willing to allocate towards your engagement with an agency will determine how much help you will need and how fast you will start seeing results.
List out what capabilities you and your team have and will contribute. That will give you an idea of how you can compliment your agencies efforts and allocate your budget to where you have gaps and needs.
If you have never had a line-item dedicated to marketing, it will be a change. But think of it as an investment in your companies growth and future. Not unlike a new piece of equipment, it will have a return on investment in due time.
5: Know the Stakeholders.
Know who the stakeholders are in your organization. It is very important to know who will be involved in the decision making, project management and final decision make on the plan of action. Having a clear approval process with the appropriate hierarchy evolved is vital for communication channels that will promote effectiveness and efficiency.
These are the top five items you should consider when contemplating working with a marketing agency. It will make your venture more productive from the beginning. Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more helpful tips from us here at Stratagon!