5 Ways to Make Radical Changes to Your Marketing Plan in 2015

I was having a conversation a few days ago with a younger colleague who explained the ins and outs of Snapchat and why she thinks that it’s a great new marketing tool. I own a Snapchat account and I even have a few friends there. But I have no REAL clue how to use it even though everyone I know under the age of 25 seems to turn to it almost exclusively as the communication tool of choice. They effortlessly snap photos, add captions and sail them off into the wild world of the ‘net and move on with their lives. And I thought that my growing ability and desire to text over talk was edgy. Not so. If I’m going to stay in touch with my kids, my younger colleagues and the ever-changing world of marketing, I’m going to have to get savvy about Snapchat.
Our marketing plans tend to be like our communication tools of choice: we stick with what is comfortable to us. But the New Year is always a terrific time to create change in our world and to add new tools and experiences that may add new passion and grip to our marketing programs.
Now, I’m not suggesting that you throw out everything that you’ve been using and start fresh. Keep your e-mail marketing programs, your print and online advertising, your inbound calls to action and any other piece of your program that you know is working well. But also consider doing a few things to add a little boost to your program to entice more leads and convert them into valuable, paying customers.
1. Try a completely new tool. Figure out how Snapchat might add value to your customers or create a YouTube video about special uses for your products or services. Reach out to your customers in a completely new way and they are almost guaranteed to see your company in a new light.
2. Create a microsite. The big guys do this all the time and it’s easier to do than you might think. Do you have a new product or service that you’re launching in 2015? Or is there something you have that you think your customers and prospects need to know more about? Develop an interactive microsite where your potential customers can be wowed by your creative energy.
3. Ask for input. You might be surprised at some of the ideas brewing in other areas of your company. The accounting department might have a great idea for a tradeshow promotion or the warehouse might have a terrific plan for a new podcast.
4. Hire an agency. Sometimes it takes an outside eye to critically review your program and offer suggestions to make the good great and transform the so-so into So. Amazing. Take a big risk and use a creative marketing agency to boost your performance in 2015.
5. Have the courage to change what isn’t working. Maybe you’ve always done five trades per year but they’re no longer pulling in the same leads. You may not have to stop exhibiting at those shows but maybe you do need to rethink HOW you exhibit. Mix it up. Add an interactive piece. Make it bigger or bolder and get in tune with your target market. Whatever it is that you’ve always done, why not try doing it better this year?
It’s time. 2015 is here. You can make a resolution or you can start a revolution. Your marketing program keeps the blood flowing in your company. Pump it up. Start today.