5 Ways To Boost Lead Conversion

Congratulations! You’re getting traffic to your content. Your numbers are up everywhere. Prospects are reading your emails and blog subscribers are happily lapping up your “free” material. You’re already winning a big chunk of the battle. But how do you get those eager beaver readers to start converting to actual leads? How do you get them to share their information with you so that you can nurture them through your well-crafted lead conversion funnel?
There are a few simple things you can do to boost conversion.
- Improve your graphics. They say you can’t judge a book by its cover. But I’ve said it before: there is a reason why publishing houses spend a significant amount of money on book cover design. People are attracted to graphic images. Whether you design a snazzy CTA or just make all your downloadable content professional and eye-catching, your conversion rates are sure to get a little boost if you up your game in the graphics department.
- Revise content titles. Do you think people would rather read “Things to Do to Get Into College” or “5 Ways to Stand Out and Get Accepted into Your Dream College?” There may be some more literal-minded people who would prefer the first title but the majority of folks are going to click on the more dynamic title when presented with a choice. Make your content titles appealing, alluring and attractive.
- Be sure you have the correct form for your content. Your visitors shouldn’t have to fill out a nine-page form to download a two-page white paper. Ask for a few things like their name, company and e-mail address. But if you have a 30-minute downloadable webinar, it’s OK to ask them about their product interest, company size and buying timeline. People get frustrated when they are forced to give too much information for too little in return. Recognize the value of your offer and size your form appropriately.
- Align your offer to your audience. If you have written a fabulous post about the angst a parent feels when preparing their child to leave the nest, you shouldn’t attach a CTA entitled “10 Awesome Things Universities Offer for Band Geeks.” Instead, include something like “8 Common Traits of Fully Prepared College Freshman,” or something along those lines. Be sure that your content and your offer are parallel or your prospects will be sure to feel some discord.
- Create clear and concise landing pages. Don’t clutter up your landing pages with too many pieces of information. Lead your prospects gently through the process by creating a visually appealing landing page with a few bullet points about why they really need to download your content and a brief form. People don’t want to be confused. They need subtle guidance and a kick-ass piece of content they can use.
- Nurture them along. Let’s use a dating analogy. Sometimes people just aren’t ready to kiss you after the first date. The same is true of content. If they read a blog post they truly love, they may want to see more but they just aren’t ready to give you their phone number. So make it easy for them to ask you out again. Be sure your blog subscription form is right there along with a list of your most recent or most popular blog posts. Give them a little more and a little more until they are BEGGING to download your amazing content. We know it will be worth it for them.
Last, but certainly not least, always remember that prospects are bombarded with marketing material from all directions. Make your content easy to read and maybe a little fun to read. You’re competing for their attention with other marketers, their friends, their families, their jobs and their pets. Make your content better so that they want to call you in the morning. You’ve got this.
Now, go convert some leads.